

This bulletin is generated as reference and notice for those of you who have Telemotive MLTX systems (either licensed or non-licensed). While the MLTX continues to be one of the best transmitters on the market, some users have had a problem with the battery post connections due to over-tightening the battery hold down screws or thumb screws when installing a new battery.

The illustrations below show the old design of the spring loaded battery posts in the bottom of the MLTX housing.



The illustration of the new lower housing with longer pins, recessed pin support, and a longer pin stroke.


This picture shows the old MLTX transmitter housing.


This picture shows the new MLTX transmitter housing. You can really see the difference in the length of the pins, and the recessed pin supports.

These housings are now in stock and available for shipment. It is important to note that on the “First Generation” MLTX transmitters, the transmitters will have to be sent in to get the lower housing updated, and the switch and circuit board configurations create problems with the new pin supports.

Second Generation MLTX transmitters are a direct replacement for this new lower housing, and the replacement can be made in the field.

Regarding batteries, Mr. Ben Stoller of Telemotive (Magnetek) states: “Any of the batteries for an MLTX will work with this new lower housing.

If you need assistance identifying your MLTX transmitter(s) as first or second generation, please contact us.  For additional information please call Eric Brown at Engineered Lifting Systems 866-756-1200, or e-mail at

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